I certify that I, or the firm, company, or corporation I am authorized to represent, am the legal owner within the meaning of California Vehicle Code. Seeking a fillable Repo Order Form?Try our online editor for PDF files and fill this form out in a flash. As soon as you miss a car payment, the lender can arrange to have your car repossessed—the lender doesn't need to get your permission or to tell you in advance. If the creditor does not provide the required notice in the proper form after repossession, you will not owe a deficiency balance. When someone takes out an auto loan, they grant the lender a "security interest," otherwise known as a lien, on the vehicle. The filing fee for your petition can be paid in installments, but only if you fill out Official Form 103A and get court approval. I'm behind two car payments and my car is out for repossession. You see, 2 years ago i bought a car in San Diego. Tell your creditors what's going on, and try to work out a new payment plan with lower payments you can manage.