I certify that I, or the firm, company, or corporation I am authorized to represent, am the legal owner within the meaning of California Vehicle Code. In California, replevin cases are typically filed in the Superior Court of the county where the property is located or where the defendant resides.In California, a vehicle can be repossessed if the borrower fails to meet their loan obligations or fails to make insurance payments. (File Application for Temporary Restraining Order, form CD-190.) a written document,. Once completed, note the SST number and come into our office to finish the process. Your vehicle was just repo'd and now you face additional fees from the lender. Who needs to fill out this form? Lenders, auction houses, and individuals involved in vehicle repossession must complete this form. Fill out the forms accurately with details about yourself, the defendant, and the property in question. Plaintiff alleges that it is qualified to do business in the State of California.