Our consumer protection lawyer in Los Angeles answer the most common questions. Repossession occurs when your lender seizes this asset because you defaulted on what you owe.Cars are the most commonly repossessed assets. It's easier and less costly to keep the car than to get it repossessed and try to get it back. Repossessing a car doesn't make the loan go away. In California, a vehicle can be repossessed if the borrower fails to meet their loan obligations or fails to make insurance payments. Victory Honda of Morgan Hill is here to help! We specialize in less-than-perfect car loans, even if you have a discharged bankruptcy, we may be able to help. Our Nissan dealership in Santa Clara, CA offers Special credit financing assistance so you can take home that sleek Nissan model that has caught your eye. I certify that I, or the firm, company, or corporation I am authorized to represent, am the legal owner within the meaning of California Vehicle Code.