The answer is straightforward: there is no difference. Notaries are often asked to certify that a photocopy of an original document is a true and accurate reproduction of the original.It means that the holder of the original document, such as a court clerk, is promising that this copy is an exact reproduction of the original. Notaries may only certify copies of powers of attorney under Probate Code Section 4307. It is a document showing all the details of the original documents. A certified copy does not verify the authenticity of the original document, only that the copy is a true copy of what appears to be an original document. Signature(s) acknowledged. The notary is simply stating that the document photocopy is a "true" and complete copy of the original document that was presented. No. We work with any legible copy of your document. Rather than sending out your valuable papers (such as identity documents or important certificates), you send certified copies.