On this page below is a list of LOCAL forms that can be completed online and then printed. The form you need may be in this list.Field 1: Insert the county in which the action is brought. Supreme court clerk is refusing to give me my divorce papers after judgement was granted because I am pregnant. I petitioned for a divorce through LegalZoom for an uncontested divorce (at the Superior court, county of Santa Clara) and it was really straightforward. UCCJA's extended home State rule, a left- behind parent could petition for custody in the child's home State even after an abduction. I'm filing for divorce judgement in Santa Clara county. Some forms may be available as fillable PDF's in the Adobe Sign library accessible via the SSO portal. 123 Main St. Anycity, NY 12345. You can complete the entire divorce filing process without a lawyer in California; saving you a ton of money, and simplifying the process.