While repossession does not involve a formal process in court, replevin consists of getting the court to order the consumer to return the vehicle to the lender. If a car loan lender can't repossess a vehicle, it will probably get possession of the car through a process called "replevin."The writ of replevin allows law enforcement, such as the sheriff, to take possession of the property (the vehicle) and return it to you. The process of starting a replevin action usually begins with filing a complaint. What will happen if a writ of replevin is issued against myself for a financed vehicle that I no longer have possession of? Learn everything you must know about replevin bonds including costs, how to get a bond and how replevin bonds can put you at risk. Some even provide forms for creditors to fill out. By assessing these indicators, the surety provider can evaluate how likely you are to pay out proven claims on your replevin bond. This complaint will describe the property that is being repossessed.