This article explains when and why your vehicle or property can be repossessed, your rights, and how you might get the property back. To file a complaint, complete ALL SECTIONS of the Complaint Form AND provide COMPLETE and LEGIBLE copies of all relevant documentation.This page will provide an overview of Texas's Repossession Laws and what you should know if you've fallen behind on car payments. Texas repossession laws require a lender to have a valid lien on the vehicle to repossess without a court order. If you don't make your car payments on time, your lender might have the right to take your car without going to court or telling you first. If you owe a debt, act quickly — preferably before it's sent to a collection agency. Select the applicable "Method of Repossession" and attach any required documentation, if applicable. This completed form must be submitted to a county tax. You are not required to use TREC's Complaint Form. How do I fill this out?