This article explains when and why your vehicle or property can be repossessed, your rights, and how you might get the property back. This completed form must be submitted to a county tax assessor-collector's office in addition to all other required documents at the time of title transfer.Texas repo laws are fairly simple. A creditor can file a lawsuit seeking an order to begin the car repossession process. Some will allow individuals without attorneys to file suits seeking sequestration writs in their courts. Some even provide forms for creditors to fill out. Learn more about Texas' repossession laws, what Texas repo agents can and cannot do, and what happens after the car is taken away. If your customer moves out of state or in cases of repossession, a printed title will need to be obtained. A release of lien is a document that confirms that the loan has been fully paid and that the lender no longer has a right of repossession. And I say this as someone who has done repossessions - if the recovery company can't get it, that's on them.