The court reporter must type the testimony and any colloquy in the record in the usual manner. 6 that the foregoing contains a true and correct. 7.General Affidavits are written statements of fact used to support your case or verify facts that are sworn to be true in front of a notary public. To ensure consistency and quality in all of the transcripts we produce to attorneys, we ask all court reporters to follow. The attached document, (insert title of document), dated (insert date of document) and containing ____ pages, is a true and correct copy of an electronic record. The File Number goes on the first page in the upper right hand corner. Choose the name of the child or select all. The date will auto-populate to the current date, so be sure to change to the actual date they were assigned. Right format for e-docs. I certify (or attest) that this is a true and correct copy of a record in the possession of .