If you default on your car loan payments, the lender can take your car back through repossession or replevin. Learn the difference.If a car loan lender can't repossess a vehicle, it will probably get possession of the car through a process called "replevin." Before the hearing, you can answer the lender's complaint in the replevin action, although you probably will have only a short time to respond. If you never take it out, the lender will go to court and get a Writ of Replevin. If you don't make it available then you will be faci. Instructions. This form must be completed when a vehicle is repossessed. All fields are required to be completed. This article explains when and why your vehicle or property can be repossessed, your rights, and how you might get the property back. Before you would make any payments, you would want to make sure that the plaintiff agrees to withdraw the complaint and files papers in court to withdraw it.