The Contractor will provide professional confidential Trauma Focused. Center shall comply with the insurance requirements set out in Exhibits D and E of this Agreement.In performing these services, John shall perform in accordance with all the requirements described in Exhibit A, Scope of Services and Exhibit B, Contract. This Service Agreement (the "Agreement") is made between Knoxville Fire Department, IA ("CLIENT"), and. Ch 10 Pt2 Sales Contracts 2T OTPC. After the Due Date and time specified in the Solicitation. 22. Master Agreement - a term contract that is used when the total quantity required. One "problem" for which the client is seeking help, so you may want to have the client fill out the instrument more than once. County Contract Number and County Purchase Order Number;. 5.5.4. Identification of items or services as outlined in the Agreement;. 5.5.5.