Joey finds himself in a tugofwar between two spouses in the midst of a divorce proceeding to end their extremely short and childless marriage. You typically file a complaint asking for return of the property and also file an affidavit that you are entitled to possession.Rincker Law can help parties negotiate, litigate or mediate dog possession cases after a breakup. This case concerns one such dog, a two and a half year-old miniature dachshund named Joey. Joey finds himself in a tug-of-war between two spouses. It takes empowered and dedicated people to do what we do here at Travis Credit Union. Mitchell brought this replevin action against his girlfriend, Snider, to recover possession of Django, their black lab. In a replevin case, the. We don't need time to get caught up on points of law or best practices. Tomorrow, when you go to the court to pick up the signed writ of replevin order, you can then provide it to the sheriff.