This page will provide an overview of Utah's Repossession Laws and what you should know if you've fallen behind on car payments. Ensure your company's performance with Repossession Order Forms templates.Choose order forms, edit and share them with your customers in a few clicks. How to Edit The Notice Of Vehicle Repossession Letter Template with ease Online. Repossession is what happens when a creditor takes property put up as collateral because you've defaulted on the debt. Even if you successfully complete a voluntary repossession, the payments you missed on the auto loan will still appear on your credit report. A sample is in the Forms section below. You do not have a right to keep my personal property or to charge me a fee to recover it. If documents show someone has an interest in the vehicle, and they are not to be shown on the new title when issued, they must release or sign a. For example: You and a friend agree to share an apartment and split the rent 50-50.