If you're not finding the forms you need, contact us at (801) 238-7990 or Click here to contact the web navigator. A writ of replevin, attachment or garnishment is available after the claim has been filed and before judgment only upon written order of the court.Rule 64C - Writ of Attachment (a) Availability. A writ of attachment is available to seize property in the possession or under the control of the defendant. A writ of replevin is a prejudgment process ordering the seizure or attachment of alleged illegally taken or wrongfully withheld property. Our agency offers the Utah replevin bond in the amount that the court requires. Some of the following forms are available in PDF and Word. Some of the PDF forms can be easily filled out and printed. The Circuit Court has a form for the Complaint for a Writ of Replevin. Rule 64E of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure outlines the procedure for obtaining this writ.