If you do not pay back the loan as agreed, the lender may repossess the vehicle and sell it. Asset forfeiture payees are required to complete a valid Unified Financial Management System (UFMS) Vendor Request Form to receive payment.Most loan contracts for cars and trucks say that if the borrower "defaults" (misses payments) the lender can "repossess" (take back) the car or truck. The Military Family Assistance Fund (MFA) can provide financial support to Louisiana Veterans and their families when they experience financial hardships. In order for us to consider replacing the value of your destroyed food, you must complete and return this form. Learn about programs and organizations that give free legal advice and may help you find a free or lowcost attorney. It's easier and less costly to keep the car than to get it repossessed and try to get it back. Repossessing a car doesn't make the loan go away. Call your lender before jumping to conclusions so you can clarify how to set things straight. Find out if you can get your repossessed car back.