16 Affidavit of Repossession (PDF, 88.48 KB) Department of Revenue How can we help? Instructions for Completing an Affidavit of Repossession (Form T-16).Check, modify, and fill out T-16 form (ga repo) quickly at FormsPal! A trusted online platform to access and forms in a few seconds. How to fill out the Georgia Affidavit of Repossession Form T-16 Instructions? 1. Collect owner and vehicle details. 2. How to fill out the Repossession Affidavit and Vehicle Transfer Form? 1. Locate the vehicle identification number (VIN) and enter it in the specified field. Affidavit for Repossessed Motor Vehicle form may be obtained from the Internal Administration Unit, Trinity-Washington Building, Atlanta, Georgia 30334. Georgia Repossession Affidavit (Form T16) is a legal document used to certify that a repossession has occurred following Georgia law.