We handle mortgage foreclosures affecting commercial and residential property. We regularly handle actions seeking to recover all types of personal property.In a replevin action, also called a "claim and delivery", a party seeks to have the court order the delivery of property they claim legally belongs to them. What do I need when I send over a replevin order? An action for replevin must be filed in a court that has the power to handle the case. While repossession does not involve a formal process in court, replevin consists of getting the court to order the consumer to return the vehicle to the lender. You do not have a right to notice in the repossession process, but you do have a right to notice if the lender pursues a replevin action. The legal remedy of Replevin is best used when the secured creditor cannot repossess the collateral without breaching the peace. When used as provisional relief, it allows the plaintiff to maintain possession of the contested property during the legal proceedings. After you have regained possession of your property, you must proceed to get a Final.