Field 1: Fill in the county in which the action is brought. Be consistent with other forms.If you filed a complaint report with the NYPD, you can obtain verification that your report was submitted or obtain a copy of the police report. Use this form to report issues you observe within the unincorporated areas of Wake County. This article discusses the New York Verified Complaint Action For Divorce which can be filed to seek separation based on cruel and inhuman treatment. A Verified Complaint is an official document that initiates the divorce case. Pro Se 1, Complaint for a Civil Case, Civil Pro Se Forms. Pro Se 2, Complaint and Request for Injunction, Civil Pro Se Forms. The audit shows 33 out of 39 city departments either didn't properly document complaints or send copies to the appropriate authorities. Use this form to report a housing and building violations in unincorporated areas of the county to Wake County Code Enforcement staff.