You have the right to redeem the repossessed item up until it is sold or within 21 days of receiving notice that the creditor is going to keep it. The lender must sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of the vehicle, unless you sign a statement after the default allowing the lender to keep the vehicle in full.We offer an informal complaint resolution service to Washington state residents, and to consumers with complaints about businesses located in Washington state. Go to Washingtonlawhelp. Org and check out their guides on landlord tenant law. Check with the Landlord and Tenant Court Clerk to see if a writ of restitution has been filed. You should receive a copy of the writ of restitution in the mail. Replevin is a legal process used to return specific items to the rightful owner. A judge can decide who the rightful owner is, and then issue an order. You must pay any rent that has come due since the case began even if this money was not in the original complaint.