You have the right to redeem the repossessed item up until it is sold or within 21 days of receiving notice that the creditor is going to keep it. We offer an informal complaint resolution service to Washington state residents, and to consumers with complaints about businesses located in Washington state.This document provides a comprehensive guide for tenants to submit complaints against landlords or management companies. I was served a civil summons for a past car that was repossessed. What can they legally get from me? If you catch a repo man in the act and you want to stop the repossession just unequivocally protest it. There's something else that the other answers haven't addressed: Time. As in, the time it takes to process a vehicle. After a lock out of a rental apartment or house: You may be trying to get access to your belongings after your landlord locked you out without a court order. Lenders are required to send these letters, informing you of important rights you possess under Wisconsin law.