Contractor shall provide services, staff, and Deliverables as described in Exhibit B, Statement of. § 2.1 The Contract Time is the number of calendar days available to the Contractor to substantially complete the Work.We the undersigned agree to the terms of the foregoing Contract. Vendor Name, Superintendent of Public Instruction. 1 The Design-Builder represents that it is an independent contractor and that it is familiar with the type of work it is undertaking. 2.2. You also want an ePaper? Written notice addressed to: Central Contract Services, PO Box 45811, Olympia, Washington 98504. 5811. Posts must follow these steps in the drafting, approval, and execution of purchase option agreements. All contracts, license forms, and agreements must be submitted to the Office of State Funded Purchasing and Contracts. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the day of.