Replevin is a legal process used to return specific items to the rightful owner. A judge can decide who the rightful owner is, and then issue an order.After a lock out of a rental apartment or house: You may be trying to get access to your belongings after your landlord locked you out without a court order. Replevin is a court action to recover the possession of personal property. Personal property is any property that is not land or buildings. The process of starting a replevin action usually begins with filing a complaint. In these cases, the replevin court can issue a judgment for you to take immediate possession of the animal without prior notice to the defendant. The process to get a court order to make a person or business to return a specific piece of personal property to you is called "replevin". FORM A- STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY. Anyone seeking advice or assistance to fill out such forms should contact a legal clinic or lawyer.