Make a list of what was in the vehicle. (See the sample letter below.) Keep a copy of your property list, demand letter, and proof of mailing.You have the right to redeem the repossessed item up until it is sold or within 21 days of receiving notice that the creditor is going to keep it. It's a good idea to send a written demand for your personal property immediately, listing what was in the car when it was repossessed. I demand that you return to me all of the personal property in the vehicle immediately. Lienholders use this form to report repossession of a vehicle or vessel. Take this completed form and a Vehicle. What is a "judgment for possession"? A "judgment for possession" means your landlord won a case against the you and can file a writ of restitution. Washington DC Repossession Laws:Washington D.C. requires lenders to provide a "Right to Cure" notice before repossession.