Filing a replevin or detinue requires four steps: 1. SHOW CAUSE ORDER IN ACTION OF REPLEVIN. (Md.To initiate the replevin process with your attorney, you will file a Complaint form, a Show Cause Order, and a Request for Service. It is designed in a form well calculated to permit the public and departments of government to quickly grasp the magnitude of judicial branch operations. At Lusk Law, LLC, we have extensive experience handling replevin and detinue claims, which are generally litigated in district court. For divorce decrees, their form can be filled out online or completed at the Clerk of the Court's office. In a singlevehicle accident on Interstate 95 in Harford County, Maryland. Payment must be made in person at the Revenue Authority office at: 1300 Mercantile Lane, Suite 108, Largo, MD 20774 When you receive a Summons and Juror Qualification Form, you can fill out the online form to confirm your jury duty date and other necessary forms. There is a civil action called replevin that could be available to you.