If you feel the county has discriminated against you, you can make a discrimination complaint to the County's Clients' Civil Rights Officer. Violate any law which prohibits discrimination based on race, gender, gender identity, sexual preference, sexual orientation, ethnic background, nationality,.You may use the commission's Online Complaint Formopens in a new window, Printable Complaint Formopens in a new window, or write a letter to the commission. Prosecutors are under scrutiny for kicking Black residents off juries that decide California death penalty cases. Have your child speak and answer questions in complete sentences. Read with your child every day. INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out this form if you wish to plead guilty or no contest to the charge(s) against you. Discrimination is against the law. The judge noted that the plaintiffs were not able to demonstrate intent of discrimination based on race. Federal Court Interpreters Interpreters ensure that justice is carried out fairly for defendants and other stakeholders.