A typical non-compete clause in a New York employment agreement looks like. Here is some relatively common language that I've adapted from some of the cases.This non-compete agreement template is available for use on UpCounsel. Labor and Employment attorneys can use this sample notice when complying with the new FTC noncompete ban. In cases against private employers and state and local government employers, age must be a but-for cause of the adverse employment action. This is almost black letter law in New York, so if you were fired without cause, your noncompete agreement is not enforceable. Discover how to get out of a non-compete agreement using legal loopholes. Learn if non-competes hold up in court and what happens if you break one. Non-compete agreements are a type of employment agreement designed to try to stop employees who leave a company from competing with their former employer. Our NYC employment attorneys can review your non-compete agreements to ensure that they are fair.