If you take leave due to a pregnancy or a pregnancy-related condition, you have the right to return. The NYCHRL prohibits unlawful discrimination in employment, public accommodations, and housing on the basis of actual or perceived pregnancy.As long as a pregnant employee is able to perform a job, she must be allowed to work. Pregnancy discrimination is illegal under New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania state and federal laws. Pregnant employees have the right to a wide range of accommodations under new federal regulations for enforcing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. Birth certificates are important legal documents that you and your child will need in the future. You cannot be denied a job because you're pregnant. A prospective employer should judge you on your work credentials and performance, not your pregnancy. Employees cannot take more than twentysix (26) weeks of combined shortterm disability leave and NYPFL Law in a 52week period. Find the best employment attorney serving Bronx.