You can call toll-free 1 (800) 669-9777. You can report housing discrimination with FHEO online in English (also available in Español, 中文, Tiếng Việt, 한국인, العربية, Русский, ខ្មែរ, and Soomaali)The Division of Human Rights complaint form is available at the below link. You may use this form to file and submit your complaint online. If your complaint involves a possible violation of the Fair Housing Act, the specialist will assist you in filing an official housing discrimination complaint. You can file a complaint online on the US Department of Housing and Urban Development website. Phone: Call toll-free at 800.877.0246. If you have been trying to buy or rent a home or apartment and you believe your rights have been violated, you can file a fair housing complaint. Note that you have up to one year after the last incident of discrimination to file an administrative complaint, and up to two years to file a court case. If you believe you have been discriminated against, the Fair Housing Program can help.