The Australian Human Rights Commission investigates and conciliates complaints about discrimination and breaches of human rights. To commence a discrimination proceeding in court you must first lodge a claim with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC).It also has a telephone enquiry line: 1300 656 419. If you believe that someone has breached the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, you must first complain to the Anti-Discrimination Board. The Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth) makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person on the ground of age in the following areas of public life. The AntiDiscrimination Act 1991 makes unfair discrimination, sexual harassment, vilification, and victimisation unlawful in Queensland. The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) provides protection for everyone in Australia against discrimination based on disability. There are some key features of the tests for indirect discrimination in the Equal Opportunity Act. This subject examines the development, operation and future of antidiscrimination laws in Australia. Equality and Discrimination Law in Australia: An Introduction explores four decades of anti-discrimination laws in Australia.