The College District prohibits discrimination, including harassment, against any student on the basis of race, color, national origin, dis. Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act requires public schools to offer services and accommodations for eligible students with disabilities.Learn more about how Section 504 protects students with hidden disabilities from discrimination. Disability protections. No. At the High School level, IDEA (The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) is followed. This only applies to Pre-K through 12th grade students. Collin County will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or activities. Learn how to file a discrimination complaint with the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights. (34 CFR Part 300); protect the confidentiality of a student's identifiable information. Retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of Collin College policy and is prohibited. Discrimination.