You can call toll-free 1 (800) 669-9777. If you believe your rights may have been violated, we encourage you to report housing discrimination.If a tenant has reason to believe that they have faced discrimination on the basis of disability, they should file a complaint through HUD. If you are filing with HUD, you must complete an online form or call the HUD Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity to request a complaint form. If you believe your housing rights have been violated, you can use our Housing Discrimination Complaint Generator to report it to HUD. If you believe your housing rights have been violated, you can report it with our Housing Discrimination Complaint Generator. Submit this form to NFHA if there is no fair housing center in your area. We will review your submission and follow up to conduct an intake. You may call Hud's toll-free number, file online at Hud's website, download the fair housing mobile app or file in person at a HUD office. If there is a local fair housing center in your area, NFHA may refer you and this information to them.