You can call toll-free 1 (800) 669-9777. If you believe your rights may have been violated, we encourage you to report housing discrimination.You can file a complaint right online! Or you can call the Housing Discrimination Hotline: (800) 669-9777. File a complaint with HUD's Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) Office: Online; Call: (800) 347-3739. Your first step in making a federal fair housing complaint is to file a complaint with FHEO. If your complaint involves a possible violation of the Fair Housing Act, the specialist will assist you in filing an official housing discrimination complaint. The declaration option does not require notarization; you need only fill in the blanks with the date and your location (city, state), and sign the declaration. Who can I contact for answers to other questions about fair housing? You can file a discrimination complaint directly with one of three government agencies.