That provision, section 15.1, bars discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, and it does not on its face allow for ex ceptions. Individuals who intentionally accuse another falsely of misconduct will be disciplined up to, and including, termination of employment. VII.The Supreme Court should reject a license to discriminate in our child welfare system and put the needs of children first. LGBTQ people already get turned away from food banks, shelters and more. The high court's decision in Fulton could make things worse. " Darnell did not directly deal with. For example, an individual's race, ability, or immigration status may impact their experience with gender discrimination in the workplace. The facts that make a prima facie case of discrimination in the selection of petitioner's jury are as follows. The population of Fulton County is 691,797. Fill out the Contact Us form or call the firm directly for same day free consultations.