Fill out the appropriate complaint form if you have experienced discrimination in employment or housing. Bases of Discrimination.Fill in the blanks ONLY for those categories you believe influenced the discriminatory actions taken against you. For DFCS, please use the DFCS Civil Rights Complaint form. Please complete the Discrimination Complaint Form and attach any documentation you may have pertaining to the issues you have expressed. The name, address, email, and telephone number of the employer (or employment agency or union) you want to file your charge against. Discrimination Complaint Forms should be mailed or hand-delivered to The Office of Diversity and Civil Rights. Document: Pro Se Employment Discrimination Complaint Form (May 5, 2016). If I believe I have a discrimination claim, I know I must file a claim with the appropriate State or Federal agency in a timely manner. 7. Your complaint must be filed within 180 days of the discriminatory action.