Harris Federal has federal employment discrimination lawyers who can help you with your case, no matter where you are located. Complete this form to make a report of discrimination.You can make this report whether or not you wish to be involved in an official complaint. Harris Health System does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Harris County Grievance Packet Complete Packet of Procedures and Forms required for filing a Grievance. 1) Please fill out the complaint form, answering all of the questions. For details on what to include in your letter, visit How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint on our website. James has been subjected to harassment in the form of a hostile work environment, based on his color. Grievance procedure and do not extend the time limit(s) included in the procedure. Please check this box to acknowledge your understanding that filling out this form is not an official complaint with the NYC Commission on Human Rights.