The government has enacted laws to prevent and protect employees from harassment in the workplace. The NCHR then launched its campaign to 'End Discrimination Against Minorities' on.In explaining how to evaluate whether harassment violates federal EEO law, this enforcement guidance focuses on the three components of a harassment claim:. Besides, people take the law into their own hands on a regular basis. However, you must obtain your corrected receipt notice to present when completing Form I9, Employment Eligibility Verification. Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal,. 245-272. Where women are employed they face a significant gender pay gap, alongside other forms of discrimination which limit their potential. Religious and Sectarian Discrimination: The Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan faces severe persecution under the law. The Covenant also obliges State Parties to ensure the rights to equality before the law and to equal protection of the law, without discrimination. Women may be at risk of discrimination in the workplace.