There are strict deadlines for filing a charge of discrimination, please review the information in the timeliness tab or call 1-800-669-4000. You can call 1-800-669-4000 to discuss your situation.If you do not have access to the internet to complete this form, leave us a message at 651-539-1100 or 1-833-454-0148. Employees have the option of filing a complaint internally using the Informal Complaint Process or the Formal Internal Complaint Process. These resources are for employees who wish to make a complaint for discrimination, sexual harassment, wrongful termination or health and safety violations. Complaints of their right to file said complaint with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights. Language assistance services. You have the right to file a discrimination complaint if you believe you were treated in a discriminatory way by. The EEOC requires all claimants to file a charge with their Minnesota field office before they file their lawsuit.