Neither the FLSA nor Texas law requires employers to give breaks during the workday, but if breaks are given, certain rules apply under federal law. Employees must be paid for shorter breaks they are allowed to take during the day, but employers are not required to provide these breaks in the first place.Although the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require employers to provide meal or rest breaks, these breaks are customary in most organizations. Texas law follows FLSA which allows for paid breaks of 5 to 20 minutes for the purposes of using the restroom, etc. The only thing the law requires is IF the employer provides a rest break of 20 minutes or less, that time must be paid time. Texas doesn't require rest breaks. Breaks are left to the discretion of employers. No, there is no law mandating 15 minute breaks in the state of Texas. Texas doesn't require rest breaks. Breaks are left to the discretion of employers.