NYC Commission on Human Rights Legal Enforcement Guidance on the Fair Chance Act and Employment Discrimination on the Basis of Criminal History. Your criminal record is off-limits until an employer offers you a job.Learn how to conduct fast, compliant background checks in NY in this comprehensive guide for employers and HR managers. If a record that is supposed to be sealed comes up on your Criminal Records search, you can ask to seal that record. Having a criminal record is not listed as a protected basis in Title VII. I am writing this letter…out of desperation and to tell you a little about the struggles of reentering society as a convicted felon. Information on how NYS residents can obtain their own criminal history record, and FAQs regarding expungement and Certificates of Relief and Good Conduct. Past drug addiction may qualify as a disability under state and federal employment discrimination laws. Can I seal my criminal record for employment purposes, and how does it work? We have represented employees who have been unlawfully denied jobs based upon their criminal history.