Obtain a Right to Sue. You may file your own lawsuit for employment discrimination in court rather than using the CRD investigation process.Fighting for your legal rights in a workplace discrimination claim requires the steady hand of an experienced attorney many federal and California laws. If you believe you are being subjected to unlawful discrimination, contact Mozaffari Law at 323.696. Are your rights as an employee are being violated? Call (310) 602-6050 to speak to an experienced Los Angeles employment lawyer for a free consultation. If you are the victim of employment discrimination, contact Olan Law at 310-566-0010 for a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation. For a free consultation, call 818-981-0901 to speak with the Los Angeles employment law attorneys who get results — and have since 1999. If you have experienced workplace discrimination in Los Angeles, our employment attorneys can help. Are your rights as an employee are being violated?