Employees who desire to file a complaint may use the link below to access an EEO Complaint Dynamic Form to provide important and necessary information. A longtime employee of the Phoenix Police Department is suing the city, claiming a colleague sabotaged her career opportunities.Earlier this year, MCAO employees participated in the 2020 Annual Arizona Veterans StandDown Alliance. We've partnered with major employers to develop our accelerated Semiconductor Technician Quick Start program where you can learn the skills you need. My client was looking at 3 to 12.5 years for allegedly falsifying her employment application. Upon moving to Arizona from outofstate, Goodman had to undergo AZ POST's waiver process. The shortage stems from the pandemic, which resulted in a number of COVID19 related detention officer deaths and an exodus of officers. How a Criminal Case Moves Through the Justice System. Scales. Why is Maricopa County wiping out unfunded pension debt for retiring law enforcement employees? Fill out our Help Me form and we will contact you with assistance and information.