The short answer is that an atwill employee is not required to provide two weeks' notice before quitting. A common misconception is that two weeks' notice is a legal requirement.There is no federal or Arizona law that makes this a requirement. Arizona law provides that an employer may terminate an employee at any time. The term is called "at-will employment." Under employment-at-will, either the employee or the employer can end the employment relationship at any time. On December 22, 1969, the Maricopa County Board authorized the creation of the Maricopa. In Arizona, termination laws govern the conditions under which an employee can be terminated, ensuring that dismissals are conducted fairly and legally. Otherwise, an employee could provide "6 months notice" and then be guaranteed wages for 6 months. Employees who are terminated or nonrenewed due to a determination that the employee has violated Maricopa Employment Standards set forth in.