Provide the information below for each plaintiff named in the complaint. Attach additional pages if needed. Name.Have you fallen victim to retaliation from your employer? Call Strianese PLLC today for help through your case: (704) 966-2101. A Charge of Discrimination can be completed through our EEOC Public Portal after you submit an online inquiry and we interview you. Requiring a note for each absence is in conflict with the FMLA's re-certification procedure, because it in effect treats each absence as a new re-certification. By accepting employment with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg. A description of why you believe you were discriminated against, such as because of your race, ethnicity, sex, age, disability, pregnancy, or other reasons. Click the Browse Available Jobs link below to go to the online employment center. An employer may not make decisions about job positions, assignments, or promotions based on their membership in a certain protected class.