If you believe that your employer has restricting non-competition clauses, you may have a case against them. Call us: (704) 998-2577.When advising clients and drafting employment contracts with noncompete clauses, there are several things every lawyer should keep in mind. Learn about the latest regulations on non-competes and find sample clauses. Explore the enforceability of North Carolina non-compete agreements, focusing on the "blue-pencil" rule and reasonable time and territory limits. Many noncompetes prohibit employees from performing any job whatsoever for a competitor. These agreements are very likely to be unenforceable. Labor and Employment attorneys can use this sample notice when complying with the new FTC noncompete ban. Under the final Noncompete Rule, the FTC adopts a comprehensive ban on new noncompetes with all workers, including senior executives. Noncompete agreements are not viewed favorably under North Carolina law.