Youth under the age of 18 who work in North Carolina must have a Youth Employment Certificate. The City of Charlotte's Youth Programs provides 16-24-year old residents with the opportunity to participate in career readiness training free of charge.All employees will be expected to work in their offices or workspaces five days a week. This change will be effective July 1, 2024. No youth under 16 years of age shall be employed for more than five consecutive hours without an interval of at least 30 minutes for rest. Is there a minimum age requirement for employment in Mecklenburg County? Yes, the minimum age requirement for employment in Mecklenburg County is 16 years old. And at least 1,250 hours in the 12 months before the leave? Mecklenburg County SelfServe Center frequently asked questions for absolute divorce, child custody, and visitation. In compliance with Federal Law, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools administers all education programs, employment activities and admissions without.