Neither federal nor North Carolina labor laws require employers to give employees rest or meal breaks if they are over the age of 16. Generally, if an employer does give breaks, then the break must be at least 30 minutes for the employer to be able to deduct the time from an employee's pay.Workers have a right to at least a 30minute meal break or each 6 hours worked in a calendar day. Federal law does not require lunch or coffee breaks. Mecklenburg County's Human Resources presents an interactive New Employee Orientation. All enrollments must be complete within. Information about employer responsibilities, youth employment, e-verify, drug testing and retaliatory employment discrimination. North Carolina law does not require mandatory meal breaks or rest breaks for employees who are age 16 or older. To determine if your appearance is required, visit eResponse.mecknc. Gov or call (877) 649-7133 after PM on the weeknight before your scheduled report date.