You must sign a Charge of Discrimination in order for us to investigate your complaint. Employees or applicants who feel they have been treated poorly because of their membership in a protected category may file a fair employment complaint.A criminal conviction discrimination attorney in Miami may be able to hold accountable an employer that excludes job applicants with a criminal record. The District's Office of Civil Rights Compliance (CRC) deters and investigates complaints of harassment and discrimination based on the protected categories. Ethnicity Effects on Sentence Out- comes in Large Urban Courts: Com- parisons Among White, Black, and. Hispanic Defendants . This handbook Is provided to help answer questions that you ,. _ may have during your confinement in the Miami-Dade County . This Code of Student Conduct is used to govern conduct and discipline of all students attending Miami-Dade County Public Schools. All complaints must be in writing and on the Miami Dade College Discrimination or.