Learn about Miami-Dade County policies for different types of harassment, workplace violence and reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. Please ensure all employment information on this application is true and accurate, and that no attempt has been made to conceal pertinent information.All complaints must be in writing and on the Miami Dade College Discrimination or. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), as amended - prohibits discrimination on the basis of age with respect to individuals who are at least 40. View all 103 questions about Miami Dade County. How long does it take to get hired from start to finish at Miami Dade County? Yes. No. If yes, write the name of relative(s), relationship, and work location. Need a form or application? The City has made many of its forms and application available in one convenient location. The City has made many of its forms and application available in one convenient location.