Employees or applicants who feel they have been treated poorly because of their membership in a protected category may file a fair employment complaint. What is the name, address, and phone number of the employer, company, or agency that you are alleging discriminated against you?Name: Address: (City). (State). Please ensure all employment information on this application is true and accurate, and that no attempt has been made to conceal pertinent information. If you are struggling with an issue pertaining to employment law, the Miami employment law attorney from Justice Litigation Attorneys is here to help. Be sure to detail your work experience directly in your application. The City of Miami does not accept resumes in place of a properly filled out application. Call 954-564-2246 - Mavrick Law Firm is dedicated to providing our clients with legal services in EEOC Hearing and Employment Discrimination cases. Apply to Front Desk Agent, Receptionist, Customer Service Representative and more! Miami-Dade County State Attorney's.