Michigan Civil Service Rules and Regulations govern employment-related complaints, including those related to disability discrimination, for SOM employees. Mail Fill out and send the paper ADA Complaint Form.An act to define the civil rights of persons with disabilities; to prohibit discriminatory practices, policies, and customs in the exercise of those rights. This form may be used to file a complaint with the Michigan Department of Transportation for alleged violations of. ADA. This grievance procedure is established to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. All of the members of the tenant's family, such as their child, are protected from discrimination. This article discusses the Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act (PWDCRA), MCL. Instructions: Please fill out this form completely and mail it to ADA Coordinator, Michigan State Police, Human. If you were discriminated against at work, you can file a complaint with the MDCR. ⃞ Policies should provide a definition of "disability.